Anti-Semitic Rick Wiles Wants His Christian Nation Back and Wants to Push Out the Jews
May 20th 2020
Anti-Semitism (Diego Sideburns)
By Bill Berkowitz
Many are speculating about what a post-coronavirus pandemic America might look like. Some have great hopes for the future, flattening the curve of income inequality, corporate malfeasance and racism. Others are more dystopian in their outlook. The far-right anti-Semitic TV host Rick Wiles is making no bones about his vision for the future, telling his viewers: “We Christians are standing up and pushing out Zionism. That’s what we’re doing. Zionism brought the slaughter of 65 million babies to America and we’re going to end it and we are going to impose Christian rule in this country.” By Zionism he mean Jews.
He blamed Jews for the “Jew Coup,” the impeachment of Donald Trump. “That’s the way the Jews work,” Wiles said. “They are deceivers. They plot, they lie, they do whatever they have to do to accomplish their political agenda. This impeach Trump movement is a Jew coup.”
Last week, on an episode of his “TruNews” program, Wiles, who heads the Flowing Springs Church in Vero Springs, Florida, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell, [and he] also found time to blame Jews for the legalization of abortion in this nation in the first place, declaring that ‘we would not have abortion in America if it was not for powerful, influential rich Jews in America,’” People for the American Way’s Right Wing Watch reported.
According to Right Wing Watch’s Kyle Mantyla, Wiles discussed abortion and Jews on a subsequent program, when “he read from an op-ed in the Israeli paper Haaretz written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen, in which she argued that Alabama’s law is ‘a threat to my religious freedom as a Jew … because according to classical Jewish text and most rabbinic interpreters, a developing embryo or fetus is not ‘an unborn child’ or ‘person,’ but has the legal status of an appendage of the pregnant woman. It is part of her body, not a separate person, until the moment that a majority of a viable baby capable of independent life has been born.’”
Declaring that Jews control the banks, the technology and the media, Wiles asked: “Why are you imposing Judaism on me? Because that’s exactly what’s been done in America since 1973 with Roe v. Wade. Judaism was imposed on me, on my Christian nation and we became a Jewish nation that kills babies. That’s against my Christian beliefs … Judaism became the law of the land in America. That’s precisely what the courts have ruled. They have based their rulings on the Zohar, on the Talmud, and now we have Zionistic Talmudic law ruling this country and resulting in the death of millions of babies. And Ms. Cohen, we Christians are standing up and we’re telling you that we’re done with Zionism, we’re done with your values. We are going to impose Christian values in America again, whether you like it or not.”
According to an annual report on global anti-Semitism by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University, Florida pastor Rick Wiles, said God was spreading the virus in Israeli synagogues as punishment for Jews opposing Jesus.
"Since the beginning of March 2020, we have been receiving disturbing information on accusations of Jews, Zionists and Israelis, as individuals and as a collective, for causing and spreading the coronavirus," the report says. "Will the coronavirus crisis result in more accusations of the lowest kind against the Jewish people and its state, or will the understanding prevail that the fate of all mankind is intertwined, and that there is no way out of it but in cooperation and mutual support?"
Wiles has also spent a fair amount of time connecting Bill Gates to the anti-Christ. “When is Bill Gates’ serpent tongue going to come out of his mouth? And when will his horns and tail appear? This man is building Lucifer’s Antichrist system,” Wiles has said.
Representatives of TruNews have in the past been granted access to White House press conferences, and have put questions to the president. “Wiles’s ability to secure credentials after his anti-Semitic remarks — which prompted a formal rebuke from two members of Congress — has left civil rights groups deeply troubled,” The New York Times reported in late January.
“It’s a validation of their work,” said Kyle Mantyla, a senior fellow at the progressive group People for the American Way, which has tracked Wiles’s work. TruNews, he said, “sees it as the White House being on their side.”