Are Republicans Sabotaging COVID Relief, Specifically Rent Evictions, to Suppress Votes?
August 11th 2020
President Donald J. Trump, joined by Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force (The White House)
By stellen (from the Daily Kos community)
Given the shameless voter suppression tactics Republicans have used in the past, is it unreasonable to believe that Republicans are intentionally dragging their feet on Covid relief because they want people to be evicted and foreclosed on? Why would they do that you might ask.
Think about this. If more than a million people lose the address where they are registered to vote right before the election, that may well mean that they will not be able to vote or their vote could be challenged because they no longer live at their registered address.
The Republican calculation may well be that those most likely to be evicted or foreclosed on are probably going to vote Democratic. After all, many are in this predicament because they lost their jobs by Trump’s gross mismanagement of the Covid pandemic. That means Trump’s economic braggadocio and rosy prognostications are not likely to pass the smell test with the recently unemployed. Therefore, the Republicans instinctively fall back on their most trusted tactic, disenfranchise their victims’ ability to vote by making them homeless. It seems such a small price to pay to win an election.
I certainly hope the Democratic Party, the Lincoln Project, the ACLU, MoveOn, and other voter groups are planning for this scenario. These evicted and displaced people are going to need a lot of help fast to make sure they can vote and their votes will be counted.
Posted with permission