Beto O'Rourke, Not the NRA, Is Now Setting the Terms of Debate About the Gun Violence Epidemic. (Reminder: BF Is Not Endorsing Any Candidate. We Are Vote Blue, No Matter Who.)
September 14, 2019
(Erik Drost)
By Nomandates
After Thursday’s Democratic debate, it should be obvious that presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke is determined to move break through the envelope on gun control and is refusing to allow the NRA to continue dictating what we’re permitted to consider when it comes to addressing the epidemic of gun violence in the United States.
In Texas, we’ve been traumatized by four gun massacres in three years.
Sutherland Springs (near San Antonio) church gun massacre (2017): 26 murdered, 20 wounded
Santa Fe High School (near Houston) gun massacre (2018): 10 murdered, 13 wounded
El Paso store gun massacre (2019): 22 murdered, 24 wounded
Midland-Odessa (also west Texas) gun massacre (2019): 7 murdered, 25 wounded
Plus, assorted other shootings as well as planned massacres that were thwarted by police:…. Texans know that we are not safe from gun violence anywhere here, in part because Texas Republicans have gone out of their way to loosen restrictions on guns year after year after year. I’m with Beto and Moms Demand and March for our Lives, not the NRA, when it comes to tackling the epidemic of gun violence.
Thanks to Moms Demand and the Parkland students and now Beto, we’re having a conversation about what it will actually take to get so many assault weapons off our streets.
Americans who worry about their families and communities are ready for meaningful change, ready for a movement.
We are ready for someone to lead on this issue. Beto is in the actual mainstream, not on the fringes, on gun control.
Yep, Beto is still Charles M. Blow’s hero on gun control
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