"Christ Would be Rollling Over in His Grave, But He Ascended to Heaven": Bill Barr To Be Honored for His "Christ-like" Behavior
September 11, 2020
U.S. Attorney General William Barr (Office of Public Affairs)
By JungleandDan (from the Daily Kos community)
On September 23, at the National Catholic Prayer breakfast, impeachment-worthy, corrupt to the core, and treasonous Bill Barr will receive the Christifideles Laici award. That award is apparently named for Pope St. John Paul II’s 1988 exhortation and, according to the Catholic News Agency, is “reserved to honor the laity who promote the New Evangelization and the Church’s mission in their life and work.”
Barr, of course, has sought to limit some state public health orders in this era of COVID-19, contending that they treat churches more harshly than other establishments. And he has been a vocal critic of alleged “threats” to religious freedom, going so far as to argue that secularism seeks the “organized destruction” of the Judeo-Christian ethic.
Sister Helen Prejean, of “Dead Man Walking” fame and a long-time leader in the fight against the death penalty, called the award “scandalous.” (Barr has also overseen the resumption of the execution of federal prisoners, ending a nearly 20-year hold on the practice.)
Full disclosure — I’m not a Catholic. But, apart from the hypocrisy regarding the Church’s adamant opposition to the death penalty, of course, it seems to me that running interference for a corrupt, treasonous, sadistic coward who should be charged with thousands or tens of thousands of counts of involuntary manslaughter, and corrupting the rule of law (most recently by seeking to use the resources of the federal government to fight a rape victim’s private legal case ), is about as far from Christ-like as you can possibly get.
But that's just me.
Posted with permission