Mark Karlin: CNN Reporter Asks Insurrectionist About January 6, Rep. Mo "Saw Dust Head" Brooks Flees on Bike
A gaggle of Congressional insurrectionists via photoshop (outtacontext)
June 27, 2021
BuzzFlash: “Making Good Trouble Since May of 2000”
MARK KARLIN, BuzzFlash Short Takes
Jim Acosta managed to catch up this week with Mo “Saw Dust Head” Brooks (R-AL) while he was leaving the Capitol as he was unlocking his bike.
“I do not trust CNN to be honorable or truthful,” and therefore Brooks wouldn’t answer any questions about his conspiratorial comments about January 6. Maybe Brooks is upset that CNN and other media continue to play his comments at the January 6 pre-insurrectionist rally when he exhorted the crowd, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.” Brooks kept repeating, “I do not trust CNN to be truthful or honest” as Avila wouldn’t accept no for an answer.
Brooks rode off, leaving Acosta in the dust, shouting, “You lie through your teeth any chance you get.” Now there’s a man champing at the bit not to discuss assertions that he was one of three key Congressmen who assisted with the seditious attack on the Capitol. We noted this assertion in our last BuzzFlash Short Take on Kyrsten Sinema’s supporting and palling around with extreme right-wing Congressmen and Senators. A key organizer of the January 6 invasion of the Capitol, the mysterious Ali Alexander claims that Brooks was one of three Congressman who worked closely with him on planning the invasion.
On the same day he fruitlessly pursued Brooks, Acosta caught up with Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). She was preternaturally calm as compared to her usual Banshee shrieking. She, too, called CNN liars, but she did manage to relatively reserved as she accused the FBI of direct involvement in what, in her “through the rabbit hole mind,” she considered to be a false flag operation. She said the FBI could only prove that they weren’t involved by offering “evidence,” which would be asking them to prove a negative.
Both Brooks and Greene claim there was Antifa involvement. It’s the Republican knee jerk reaction: Republicans act seditious, then blame it on two guys and a girl in Antifa.
She reminded Acosta that the American taxpayers pay her salary, which is a misuse of the public purse, as in the case of Brooks.
Warning: your mind may lose a couple of IQ points, but it is worth watching the video at the top of the commentary to learn more about the Qanon caucus through Brooks and Greene.
By the way, Brooks is being sued by Congressman Eric Salwell (D-CA) for his role in instigating the Capitol invasion.