“Gestapo Trump” Ad Scorches Trump for Making “Democrat” Cities Into War Zones
July 24th 2020
Donald Trump (Gage Skidmore)
By FishOuttaScoth (of the Daily Kos community)
It’s not a new idea that Trump is ratcheting up the culture war deliberately because fear is all he’s got left to work with. Even though he’s the incumbent, and the country is in shambles on his watch, he’s desperately trying to convince people that it’s somebody else’s doing and “he alone” can keep America safe.
This is all political theater to Trump. It always has been. When he moved troops down to the Mexican border before the mid term election in 2018, and wailed about “the caravan” coming up from Mexico, it was exactly the same thing, Trump creating a crisis, to make the gullible believe that he was on top of it.
Trump’s not on top of anything except the lifts in his shoes. He’s destroying our country and he likes it. I hope this video gets wide play.
I’m not familiar with the Really American PAC but I intend to be.
Posted with permission