Lt. Colonel John Foley (Retired) for BuzzFlash: How Is Trump Getting Away With Stabbing US Troops in the Back?
July 3rd 2020
President Donald Trump at the White House (TPKansilia)
By John Foley
Trump’s latest Russia scandal exposes the GOP’s ideological façade of supporting our troops. Many veterans long ago lost faith in the GOP, but Trump has now out done himself. As a former Army intelligence officer and Russia analyst I cannot let this scandal go without commentary, since now the Military Times is reporting on this story of Russian bounties on US troops. Let us be clear, the Military Times is not some liberal media outlet. We are not talking about Rachel Maddow, or the Huffington Post, but the Military Times. It is the main news outlet reporting on the Department of Defense and it is not fake news.
Trump’s waffling position is quite pathetic from he did not know to it was not verified. Verified is not a term we use in the Intelligence Community. Intelligence is about determining intent, and it is about attempting to determine enemy courses of action. Intelligence is rarely ever verified, but that does not stop operations or counter measures.
Trump’s other argument is we cannot trust the intelligence community, that they are all liars. I am a big critic of our Intelligence Community too, but I certainly do not trust Russia either. I’ll be the first to agree that our intelligence community does not have the best track record, but remember these reports originated with the troops on the ground so if you don’t trust these reports you are saying you don’t trust the troops and calling the troops liars. What you are also saying is that the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is lying; that the SEALS and Delta Force are lying. Trump’s supporters say they support the troops while calling our troops liars. Every veteran who supports Trump should hold their head in shame. This is what happens when you support a failed casino owner. He did not even think to ask the experts who do this for a living, on what to do or how to respond.
This issue is a massive scandal, it is not a minor development for Trump and the GOP. We need to know what actions he took or failed to take. What did he direct intelligence community or those in the field to do? It looks like nothing! Nothing was done, it was simply ignored because our president the failed casino owner believes Putin the former Soviet intelligence officer more than our own Intelligence Community. Nothing was done because the president was too busy back here tweeting nonsense to motivate his base. He says he supports the troops but now we know this is lie. He is nothing more than a fake patriot.
There are many things this failed casino owner could have been done, the first and easiest is not to stab our troops in the back. This is also the simplest option and the one we all expect of our president. We can all debate our involvement in this war, but one thing we can all agree on is to back-up our troops. So, every time you see Trump ranting about his political enemies on twitter, remember he does not care that body bags being filled. He simply does not care!
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Mr. John Foley is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, and lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado.