The Unmasked Mock The Masked at Factory That Makes Masks While Unmasked Trump Visits
May 7th 2020
Donald Trump (Gage Skidmore)
By Mother Mags (of the Daily Kos community)
Just try to wrap your head around this little story yesterday in Phoenix. A crowd gathered early outside the Honeywell facility, which had converted its line to make masks. Good for Honeywell, they hired 500 more people and are producing millions of masks for frontline workers. Hoping to see their savior, who visited the factory to acknowledge Honeywell’s contribution to the virus war, the Trumpers were decked out in their red, white and blue attire, lots of huge American flags, and signs galore demanding their freedom to sit down for dinner at Fuddruckers.
This on the day Arizona saw its highest number of deaths and university researchers warned Governor Ducey not to open the state until the end of May. Well, fuck that, Trump is coming! So Ducey dismissed the obstructive university researchers and issued orders to open Arizona sooner than was originally planned. Can you say “soulless Trump synchophant”?
Trump needed to get out, and Arizona is on the bubble and leaning blue. He and Biden are essentially tied here but un-elected Senator Martha McSally is down eight points to Mark Kelly. A trip west seemed like a good opportunity for Trump to get on the road, bolster his Arizona chances, and help McSally, if, indeed, his presence counts as help anymore.
So, Trump wore eye protection in the mask factory, but not a mask. Apparently his morally bankrupt, bootlicking entourage didn’t want to upset Donnie, because they also chose not to wear masks in the mask factory.
Outside the Honeywell facility, dozens of protesters, most unmasked, cheered and whistled their independence from Nazis, or communists, or socialists, or Bill Gates—it wasn’t clear. They also jeered at the assembled media, most of whom were masked. The death cult goobers said the reporters were communists for wearing masks, and they accused them of being wimps, especially the men.
Irony is truly dead. A President visits a factory to thank them for making vital equipment during the pandemic: masks. The President does not wear a mask during his showboating at Honeywell. Outside, his minions are gathered to cheer on the man who’s here to celebrate mask making, like the ones the media wear. Yet the masked media are mocked by the unmasked protesters at the mask factory Donald Trump is here to congratulate, unmasked of course.
This feels like some kind of deadly MC Escher reality.
Posted with permission