Trump, Failure-in-Chief: It's Now Completely Safe in Schools, Restaurants, Concert Halls, and Stadiums -- In New Zealand
July 9th 2020
Jacinda Ardern before the Swearing-in (Governor-General of New Zealand)
By RandomNonviolence (of the Daily Kos community)
New Zealand has completely eliminated COVID-19 after just 22 deaths by completely locking down the country for 10 weeks. If you lived in New Zealand, you could be attending an indoor concert, attending a rugby match with 43,000 other fans in a stadium, eating in a restaurant, flying on a plane, sending your kids safely to school, and hugging your friends:
June 9, 2020. After 10 weeks in lockdown, coronavirus restrictions have lifted in New Zealand, giving the green light for the country's live entertainment industry to come out of hibernation. ...
43,000 Fans Pack Stadium for Rugby Game After New Zealand Beats Coronavirus
People in New Zealand did something this weekend that’s a distant memory for Americans. They filled a stadium nearly to its capacity for a sporting event.
New Zealand says it has successfully beaten the coronavirus. No one has tested positive for the virus since May 22. Prime Minister Jacinda Ahearn [sic] announced last week that the country had successfully halted the spread of the virus but should be prepared for the possibility of new cases in the future. In the meantime, nearly all of the restrictions put in place to slow transmission of the virus have been lifted. That means sports are back, and back to normal. ...
With no active Covid-19 cases, New Zealand is lifting almost all its coronavirus restrictions
June 8, 2020. Almost all coronavirus restrictions in New Zealand will be lifted tomorrow, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced, after the country reported no active cases.
Schools and workplaces will be able to open under the new "level 1" rules, with no limitations on gatherings or domestic travel.
Social distancing, however, is still encouraged and Ardern said New Zealand's international borders will remain shut to non-residents to prevent new outbreaks. Residents arriving in New Zealand will still have to quarantine for two weeks. ...
This is what happens when you have good leadership instead of what we have. This was their plan, prepared by Dr. Michael Baker:
Why New Zealand decided to go for full elimination of the coronavirus
… Baker was inspired by the World Health Organization’s report from its joint mission to China in February, which documented how the country largely contained covid-19 when it was already in full flight. This convinced Baker that New Zealand could also stop the virus from spreading and even wipe it out entirely if it implemented a strict lockdown as soon as possible. …
… Many believed the spread of covid-19 was inevitable and that an elimination strategy would “never work”, says Baker. Others thought that locking down the country would lead to mass unemployment, poverty and suicide, which would outweigh the benefits of containing the virus. ...
… However, putting the entire country into home quarantine early on extinguished community transmission and gave authorities time to strengthen testing and contact tracing capacities, which were initially “really quite woeful”, says Baker. ...
Cases per 1 million population averaged over the last 7 days.
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