"Department of Willful Delusion": Ivanka Claims Her Dad Has Achieved "Bipartisan Success”
August 28, 2020
Ivanka Trump (Michael Vadon)
By Lisa Needham
American Independent Foundation
In one of the more surreal moments of Thursday nights’ Republican National Convention speeches, Ivanka Trump bragged of Donald Trump’s ability to “build consensus and achieve bipartisan success.”
Of course, Trump is anything but bipartisan. In 2019, he stormed out of an infrastructure meeting, saying he wouldn’t work with Democrats on any issue unless they stopped investigating him. He left on the table a $2 trillion infrastructure package.
That same year, when he didn’t get the border wall funding he wanted, he walked out and claimed it was a “total waste of time.”
In March of this year, Trump reportedly refused to meet with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi because he was mad at her, having Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin negotiate instead.
More recently, he’s refused to work to find a middle ground between Democrats and Republicans on a coronavirus relief bill — hardly the mark of a master negotiator or a president who cares about the country.
And it’s not limited to Trump. The people he surrounds himself with — chief of staff Mark Meadows and senior adviser Stephen Miller, for example — are known as hardliners who “struggle to close.”
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