Jake Tapper on Kayleigh McEnany: She "Lies the Way Most People Breathe"
December 30, 2020
Serial liar Kayleigh McEnany (Gage Skidmore)
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing
Yesterday on Reliable Sources, CNN’s Brian Stelter interviewed his colleague Jake Tapper about the Trump years, which I kind of thought would end in spectacular fashion like a Hindenburg Hindenberder crash but are instead gradually pissing out like a leaky balloon at a children’s birthday party.
And Tapper, who frequently interviewed Barbie Riefenstahl Kellyanne Conway during the Trump years, nevertheless drew a line when it came to Trump’s fourth and final Mouth of Sauron, Kayleigh McEnany:
STELTER: “I noticed that about Trump aides on CNN. There were times in 2017 when Kellyanne Conway was on this network all the time. I remember interviewing her a few times and feeling like each time it was less valuable, like I was getting less of value and substance each time. Did you have similar experiences? You were doing it almost every week, of course, except for the weeks when the White House wouldn’t provide any Trump administration guests. Did you feel like there were diminishing returns because you weren’t getting the truth?”
TAPPER: “Well, there are some people that were just so mendacious I just wouldn’t put them on air. Kayleigh McEnany, I never booked her. Jason Miller from the Trump campaign, I would never book him. These are just people that, they just tell lies the way that most people breathe. There was no value in that. I don’t view Kellyanne Conway the same way, she was the senior adviser to the president. She was more of a filibusterer and a subject changer, I thought … than a liar. And I think it’s different, I really do. And there is a risk in just lumping everybody together. There’s a big difference between someone like Kayleigh McEnany who just, like, this is what she does, she tells lies all the time. She can’t acknowledge reality. So I’m just not going to put somebody like that on air.”
Naturally, McEnany immediately responded … with a terrible lie.
Zero evidence?
Really, Kayleigh?
How about the time you said more than a million marchers showed up in Washington, D.C., post-election to support Trump? (The actual number was a few thousand.)
Or when you said Donald Trump never downplayed the coronavirus? That was a good one.
Or when you claimed Joe Biden had admitted to voter fraud.
These are all lies, and it took me three minutes to find them—which, granted, is enough time for McEnany to lie 12 more times, forcing me to take 12 minutes to research those lies, during which time Kayleigh will have lied another 48 times … and before you know it, I’m caught in a spinning, infinite vortex of dissembling that ultimately ends in McEnany drinking my raw, unpasteurized blood from my own hollowed-out skull and trapping my soul for all eternity in a Goober Grape jar.
So I’ll just stop now.
But this part is interesting: Why did she mention she doesn’t leak? Did Tapper say anything about leaking? Not that I know of, but he did mention Kellyanne Conway ... and compared McEnany unfavorably to Trump’s erstwhile senior counselor.
Is McEnany implying something about Conway here? I don’t know, and I’d never say so definitively (because I don’t lie—much), but it’s weird, right?
Well, it’s the Trump administration. Weird is pretty much par for the course.
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