Leroy Knohl for BuzzFlash: Guns for Everyone, Back-Alley Abortions and Enabling COVID, the GOP is the Party of Death.
The GOP promotes policies that makes them the party of death. (Jon Chiang)
September 7, 2021
By Leroy Knohl
“At least 58 people shot over Labor Day weekend in Chicago”
Chicago Tribune, September 7, 2021
That is today’s front-page headline. It’s just the same message as last Monday’s—and the Monday’s before that; and the Monday’s before that; etc, etc, etc..
You’re probably not thinking about the election coming up in 2022. But you really should be. In fact, now is the time for you to get really animated about it and start taking actions to insure our country has the leaders in place who will actually do something to turn this country around.
America is in a flood of guns. You don’t have to be a genius to realize this causes a flood of gun deaths. Other countries have strict gun laws, and, unsurprisingly, few gun deaths. America should be just like them—but we have the Republican Party.
The GOP suffers from a lack of voters because it doesn’t support any policies that favor our citizens, only ones that favor corporations and rich guys. So they go to extremes to attract voters, and, unfortunately for us, the ones they attract are people who favor policies that are harmful to the country, even ones that end up killing people.
The GOP has heartily embraced gun lovers—gun nuts—and fiercely opposes any gun control laws, which leads directly into gun-killing-madness-America. But wait. They also work hard to outlaw abortion, and when abortion was against the law the result was thousands of women dying. But, once again, the GOP found voters who hate abortion, despite its rational need for women to have the right to access.
So, in order to be a viable political party, the Republicans heartily support policies that lead to the death of our citizens. Now that realization should get any potential voter really riled up and working to keep our killer-enablers out of office.
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Thom Hartmann is a talk-show host and the author of The Hidden History of the War on Voting and more than 30 other books in print. His most recent project is a science podcast called The Science Revolution. He is a writing fellow at the Independent Media Institute.