Leroy Knohl for BuzzFlash: McConnell Will Only Act to Obstruct Biden. Case Closed. His Goal, as It Was With Obama, Is to Keep Dems From Succeeding.
There is nothing even remotely “bipartisan” about a Senate GOP caucus that is led by a man who says his only goal is to obstruct Biden from helping the Democrats win in 2022. Furthermore, the 50 GOP Senators represent more than 40 million fewer Americans than the Dems who should actually, in a nationalized Senate election, would have probably close to 65 or more Senators. (Gage Skidmore)
June 6, 2021
By Leroy Knohl
Dear Senators Manchen and Sinema,
You’ve spent six months pretending the Dems are negotiating with the GOP when you know they might as well be negotiating with scorpions.
Mc Connell has clearly stated that his number one goal is to block the Biden agenda. We know he’s not lying; he has been doing this for decades. With that in mind, how can any Dem seriously expect the GOP to do any serious negotiating? And we see this playing out: McConnell blocked the Jan 6 Commission; Republican “negotiations” on infrastructure have become more of an insider DC charade than a serious negotiation.
As Daily Koss noted of Obama advisor Jim Messina,
Well, so does Messina, and now he's telling Biden to stop chasing after Republicans. He's urging Biden not to "make that mistake again" on infrastructure. "When you look back on my ACA days, it should’ve been apparent to us at the time. We waited too long," Messina said. "The biggest thing is that they keep asking for more time. And they're just running the clock," he said of Republicans. "If you're McConnell he's going to talk for as long as we want to talk, because he's just trying to be an obstructionist."
Yes! That, exactly that, and the thing is that McConnell doesn't even try to hide that this is precisely what he's doing. One minute he's baldly stating that he is 100% committed to blocking Biden's agenda, and that he's got "total unity from Susan Collins to Ted Cruz in opposition to what the new Biden administration is trying to do to this country." At the same time, he's disingenuously telling reporters there’s a "great chance" of a bipartisan infrastructure agreement while flatly refusing every concession Biden continues to make.
That includes this week. "We're still hoping to reach a bipartisan agreement with the (Biden) administration on infrastructure," he said at a news conference Thursday morning in Paducah, Kentucky. "We're still hoping we can come to an agreement on a fully paid for and significant infrastructure package. I know that would be welcomed by all state governments and local governments all over the country." McConnell deserves an Emmy for that bit of dishonest drivel.
That's just out and out trolling! McConnell is insisting that funding for infrastructure comes out of unspent COVID-19 relief funds that would otherwise go, in part at least, to state and local governments—the funding he had been fighting as a "blue state bailout" since April 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Under Trump, McConnell succeeded in blocking coronavirus relief for months, while House Democrats kept on passing legislation.
This is what he does. He did it in the middle of a devastating global pandemic that was destroying the economy. He did it when there was a Republican president simply because he did not want House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic House to score a win.
The GOP has turned against democracy, passing bills in red-state legislatures to suppress the vote of Democrats and bills to allow them to overturn election results. The evidence is clear: the GOP is no longer willing to participate as a legitimate opposing party in our democracy.
The GOP has become the party of racists, pushing their message of racism while failing to put forward any proposals to advance our country. As Thom Hartmann recently wrote, Democrats and the media need to start dealing with Republicans the way they would deal with the Klan. The GOP truly has become the Ku Klux Kaucus.
It is high time we realize that the GOP is no longer interested in acting as the opposing party in our democracy; they are doing everything they can to obstruct democracy. Our only choice is to scuttle the filibuster, save America from a one-party dictatorship and pass legislation that benefits the majority of the American people, not just corporations and the oligarchs.
Yours in solidarity with the pro-democracy movement,
Leroy Knohl
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