Lindsey Graham Vows to Destroy Health Insurance for Millions of Americans if GOP Wins in 2020. Frankly, He Looks Kind of Constipated.
August 10, 2019
Trump wingman and unhinged Confederate, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham (Gage Skidmore)
By Dan Desai Martin
In a Monday radio interview, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) vowed to destroy the Affordable Care Act (ACA) if Republicans win in the 2020 election.
“If we can get the House back and keep our majority in the Senate, and President Trump wins reelection,” Graham said on “The Morning Answer” with Joey Hudson, “I can promise you not only are we going to repeal Obamacare, we’re going to do it in a smart way where South Carolina will be the biggest winner.” Obamacare is another name for the ACA.
Graham outlined the way he would blow up the current health care system, which includes blocking grants to states and destroying much of the current law. The plan he talked about mirrors legislation Graham supported in 2017, which would have had disastrous consequences for families throughout the nation.
If Graham gets his way, 21 million Americans would lose access to health care, according to a Brookings Institution study of the 2017 bill. Graham’s previous plan to repeal the ACA would “would eliminate the ACA’s expansion of Medicaid to low-income adults,” and “make individual market coverage unaffordable for many moderate-income consumers,” according to an analysis from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP).
CBPP also noted that Graham’s 2017 plan would eliminate protections for people with preexisting conditions. Under the ACA, health insurance companies are forbidden from rejecting people who have preexisting conditions, as well as charging those people more for health insurance.
Graham, who is up for reelection in 2020, laid out his case for how Republicans will handle the issue of health care. Republicans currently hold a 53 to 47 majority in the Senate, meaning the party will retain control unless Democrats flip at least three seats and win the White House. Democrats would win outright control of the chamber by gaining a net of four seats.
Health care was a major issue in the 2018 election, helping propel Democrats to the majority in the House for the first time in almost a decade. Both Graham and Trump seem to want to make health care a major issue in the 2020 election, even though Americans overwhelmingly support Democrats on the issue.
Graham’s bill to destroy health care failed by one vote in 2017, and he vows to try again if voters give him the chance.
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