Mark Karlin: Marjorie Taylor Greene Wants to Be on Pelosi's 1/6 Select Committee, But Can Defendants Participate?
( Photo by PINKE)
June 28, 2021
BuzzFlash: “Making Good Trouble Since May of 2000”
MARK KARLIN, BuzzFlash Short Takes
Marjorie Taylor Greene hasn’t mentioned Jewish lasers starting wildfires in the West, but the season is early, and the woman who compared COVID vaccination to the Holocaust still has time as summer gets underway.
That her brand is exceeding Trump in shockingly offensive statements that facilitate fundraising and her “prom tour” with Matt Gaetz has already become normalized. She learned from Trump how to get the klieg lights pointing in her direction.
Selected by me as the prom king and queen of the House: Matt “Lounge Lizard Gaetz and Marjorie “Loony as a Bat” Taylor Greene. What a lovely couple.
Still, Greene told CNN that she would like Nancy Pelosi to allow her to serve on the Select Committee investigating 1/6, which puts her in the conundrum of possibly being a defendant serving on a House Committee that might very well end up investigating her stoking of the Capitol insurrection, along with some of her colleagues like Andy Biggs, Mo Brooks and Paul Grosar.
As PoliticusUSA detailed, Greene said:
“Sure, she should put me on the committee. That would be great, you know? “
[CNN] asked, “And you would show up and ask questions?”
Greene said, “Absolutely. Of course, I would. I’ve worked hard all my life, and I would work hard there as well.”
There is zero chance that Speaker Pelosi [would allow] Greene, who she has referred to as the enemy within, on the committee investigating the 1/6 attack that she is under suspicion of providing support to.
On Saturday night, as a “special guest” at Donald Trump’s “I Shall Return” tour in Ohio, Greene called on Pelosi to be locked up. We’’re not making this up. That Greene is an intrepid and scurrilous con artist, one of the most dangerous among a pit of GOP vipers is as clear as a piranha swallowing a goldfish.
Let Greene testify before the Select 1/6 Committee. Then do what she wishes upon Nancy Pelosi: lock her up.
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