Mark Karlin: Marjorie Taylor Greene Brags About Introducing Neo-Confederacy Bills in June 8 E-Mail, But All She Introduced Were Headlines. Where's the Beef, Marjorie?
BuzzFlash: “Making Good Trouble Since May of 2000”
June 9, 2021
A Second generation Trumpian, Marjorie Taylor Greene is sending out emails boasting of “First America” legislation she authored. However, with the exception of her resolution fo impeach President Joe Biden, none of her legislation has anything more than a title. They don’t even have summaries. (Congressional Email of Marjorie Taylor Greene of the 14th District of Georgia)
Six Months of America First Legislation
In my first six months in the swamp, I've focused on introducing 100% America First legislation. I made a promise to put People over Politicians in Congress. Each bill and resolution I've authored reflects that mission. — Marjorie Taylor Greene June 8 Official E-Mail
Marjorie Taylor Greene is a performative con artist, giving the appearance of actually being a Congresswoman, while she manipulates white Christian grievance and Trumpian-style shock statements and tweets into a money-printing fundraising machine. Like her “prom couple” partner — and indictment “watcher”— Matt Gaetz (see photo below) she uses social media and right-wing television to poke the molten pit of white victimhood in voters who believe the end times are arriving in the form of multi-cultural rule that will relegate white privilege to the dust bin.
Prom King and Queen join together on rolling thunder grifting tour to raise funds and visibility for a couple blessed with the oleaginous ability to inflame hate and the festering anxiety of falsely perceived victimization.
In Greene’s June 8 Congresssional e-mail she listed multiple bills and resolultions she bragged about introducing. However, none of them but one (and BuzzFlash will get to that) had even a summary in the Congressional tracker of introduced bills.
H.R. 993: Second Amendment Preservation Act
H.R. 1132: Gun Owner Privacy Act
H.R. 1883: Protect America First Act
H.R. 2316: Fire Fauci Act
H.R. 2317: We Will Not Comply Act
H.R. 2445: No Funding For Terrorists
H.R. 2446: Awarding Congressional Gold Medals to Law Enforcement for Protecting America from Black Lives Matter Terrorism
H.Res. 57: Resolution to Impeach Joe Biden
H.Res. 301: Resolution to Honor the Life of Captain Michael D'Angelo Garigan
H.Res. 327: Resolution to Expel Maxine Waters from Congress
H.Res. 328: Resolution to Expel Maxine Waters from the Committee on Financial Services
All of the bills and resolutions are listed in the Congressional database as “summary in progress.” They are merely soundbites to raise money on, as in two resolutions to expel Maxine Waters from Congress. If there were any justice, Greene would be back in Northwest Georgia romping through her alleged affairs after expulsion.
You can see all her John Birch Society meets the Klan meets the Qanon cult “bills” without content by clicking here.
As for the one bill and resolution that has content to it, it would be the resolution to impeach Joe Biden as President, which includes the following both false and incendiary language. It was introduced the day following Biden’s inauguration:
Introduced in House (01/21/2021)
This resolution impeaches President Joseph Robinette Biden for abuse of power by enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Specifically, the resolution sets forth an article of impeachment stating that, in his former role as Vice President, President Biden abused the power of that office through enabling bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors by allowing his son Hunter Biden to influence the domestic policy of a foreign nation and accept benefits from foreign nationals in exchange for favors.
The article states that, by such conduct, President Biden
endangered the security of the United States and its institutions of government;
threatened the integrity of the democratic system;
interfered with the peaceful transition of power;
imperiled a coordinate branch of government; and
demonstrated that he will remain a threat to national security, democracy, and the Constitution if allowed to remain in office.
The article also states that this conduct warrants immediate impeachment, trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
Greene poses an existential threat, as do many of the swaggering swashbuckling mendacious Trump acolytes. She can’t even introduce an actual piece of legislation, just raw meat titles for her rabid fan base.
For the final word, we’ll let Marjorie say goodbye as she did in her email, clearly deluded that she is actually a functioning Congressional representative.