Michael Cohen: No Man Is Beyond Redemption
Septermber 12, 2020
Michael Cohen, Trump’s former “fixer” (DonkeyHotey)
By James Rogers Bush
It has been said that no man is beyond redemption. I believe this to be true. I believe it to be true because the alternative is too cruel to contemplate. We are all too imperfect and make too many, sometimes terrible, mistakes in life for there not to be a way out for all of us.
Michael Cohen has done some bad things. In the overall scheme of things, the things he has done probably don’t amount to cardinal sins, but they do amount to being lowdown and criminal. He has made a living lying and cheating the system. And he has walked the wild side of the Big Apple and was proud and cocky in the process.
But Michael Cohen did not do what he did for himself alone. He did it for "the big guy." He did it for his boss. And that boss is now rhe President of the United States.
Now Michael has been caught out. Now he has been knocked down from his airy perch, and he can no longer bully his way around the streets of New York. He can no longer protect his boss and thus protect himself in the process. And his boss has kicked him mercilessly to the curb.
Why? Because he refuses to continue to lie. He refuses to roll over for what he now sees as a danger, not only to himself and his family but to the entire country.
Some may scoff at this. Some may say that Michael Cohen doesn’t give a rat’s ass for the country. Some will say that he is just trying to save his butt. Well, why not? Wouldn’t you?
But here’s the thing. He could have taken the same path as Paul Manafort and held out for a pardon. Why didn’t he? Why didn’t he close ranks and go, mum?
I’ll tell you why. He saw the writing on the wall and he listened to his family when they pointed it out to him.
You see, Michael Cohen is a small fry who wanted to be a big shot. And what is more, he loves his family. He loves his family like any working man who loves his family. In the end, they are all that matters to him. In the end, they are all he’s got.
So when Michael’s family pointed out the writing on the wall, and he saw what the writing said, he knew what he had to do. He knew that he had to come clean before the nation. He knew he had to do it for his family and he knew he had to do it for his soul.
Michael Cohen is the classic unlikely hero looking for redemption. And of course, the world is incredulous. Of course, the allies of Donald Trump will scoff and ridicule him. But believe me, they fear him. Donald Trump fears him. He fears him like any big shot fears that little guy who knows where the bodies are buried and musters the courage to tell all.
What I see when I look at Michael Cohen is a little man reaching for greatness. A small man reaching for his heart. An ultimately insignificant man who may well be the one person to finally break and take down Donald Trump.
I even see a man who may be instrumental in saving our democracy from the clutches of a would-be autocrat. Because it is not always the pure and saintly martyrs who do the most for a cause or a country. More often than not it is those we least expect who rise to the occasion. More often than not the weak end up being strong when the strong are suddenly absent.
I believe that Michael Cohen is now risking all, to tell the truth. I believe he does want to redeem himself. I believe he is doing it, not just to save his ass, but to save his family, and even to save his country. But most of all, I believe he is doing it to redeem himself in the eyes of both his family and his countrymen. He may even be doing it to redeem himself in the eyes of his God.