Michelle Obama Makes Melania Trump Appear to #BeWorst, Obama Rushes to Greta Thunberg's Defense as Melania Abandons Greta to Husband's Twitter Pedo-Bullying
December 15, 2019
Former first lady Michelle Obama (Gage Skidmore)
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing
Before Melania Trump mounted a mealy-mouthed defense of the tweety turd she’s pledged her love and devotion to — in the process appearing to side with her bully of a husband amidst her anti-bullying crusade — a real first lady stepped up and defended climate change activist Greta Thunberg from the baleful shart-geyser currently squatting in the Oval Office.
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As is her wont, Obama went high, in response to the ocher abomination going — well, “low” doesn’t adequately describe it, does it?
I’m sure Greta appreciates the support, but I suspect she doesn’t much need it. She’s 10 times smarter than Trump and infinitely more dignified, serious, and moral.
Then again, so is my second-least-favorite intestinal fluke.
I reckon 100 times smarter is more accurate.
Thanks for the breath of fresh air, Michelle. It’s gotten pretty disgusting out here, as you know.
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