New Revelations About Russian Spying Raise Question Of Just How Deep Into Russia Moscow Mitch Is
September 17th 2019
Mitch McConnell (Gage Skidmore)
By Joan McCarter
A new exclusive from Yahoo about a “stunning” breach of FBI communications systems by Russia puts Moscow Mitch McConnell right in the middle of a Russia scandal again.
The report details a "brazen Russian counterintelligence operation that stretched from the Bay Area to the heart of the nation’s capital," targeting FBI communications, former intelligence officials told Yahoo. The U.S. intelligence community discovered that Russia had figured out how to decrypt some types of secure communications and had started tracking devices used by FBI surveillance. It had possibly been able to hack into computers used by intelligence that were not connected to the internet. This caused the FBI and CIA to stop working with some Russian assets and even suggested that there was a Russian mole in the U.S. intelligence community. "It was a very broad effort to try and penetrate our most sensitive operations," one former senior CIA official said.
This was a key factor in the decision by the Obama administration to expel nearly three dozen Russian diplomats and impose sanctions following the 2016 election, though election interference was the public rationale. These sanctions were among those the Trump administration lifted, with Moscow Mitch's blessing. And now we get to the money part, as far as Moscow Mitch is concerned. As part of the Gang of Eight—the heads of the Intelligence committees in the House and Senate, as well as House and Senate leaders—McConnell knew about this critical breach by Russia of our intelligence system.
"Senior FBI and CIA officials briefed congressional leaders on these issues as part of a wide-ranging examination on Capitol Hill of U.S. counterintelligence vulnerabilities,” the report says. "Top officials at the FBI and CIA briefed key members of Congress on counterintelligence issues related to Russia, according to current and former U.S. officials," it says again. "These included briefings on the radio compromises, said two former senior officials."
He knew. He also knew about the election interference—which he was briefed on before the election, and prevented the administration from taking public. He knew then, knew when he greased the skids for sanctions to be lifted, and knows now when he continues to refuse to bring legislation to the floor to protect our elections from Russia.
He earns his hated "Moscow Mitch" nickname every single day.
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