Not One Republican Has Joined the 100 Democrats So Far Calling for Stephen Miller's Resignation
November 20th 2019
Gollum in the White House (A.Davey)
By Gabe Ortiz
Over 100 House members have now called for the resignation of White House aide Stephen Miller following publication of a massive trove of emails—many of them sent from a government account during his time working for then-Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III—documenting his white supremacist views. “He should resign,” said California Rep. Mark Takano, “and if he doesn’t, he should be fired.”
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Several of the 100 House members so far—all of them Democrats—had previously called for Miller’s resignation but re-upped that demand following a series of reports from the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Hatewatch revealing Miller shared white nationalist propaganda in nearly 1,000 emails, had a close relationship with at least one anti-immigrant hate group, and used his influence to urge Breitbart News editors to publish racist, anti-immigrant propaganda.
In just one example, Miller used his government account to urge Breitbart to connect undocumented immigrants to child sex crimes. This disgusting thinking was the norm, not an outlier, in Miller’s communications: “In all 900 emails, SPLC reporter Michael Hayden noted he was ‘unable to find any examples of Miller writing sympathetically or even in neutral tones about any person who is nonwhite or foreign-born,’” HuffPost reported.
Let’s be frank here, only 100 House members calling on Miller to resign is much too low, but the fact that not one single Republican has joined that group is also an indictment of their party. “Unfortunately, we know that President Trump, who said that there were ‘very fine people on both sides’ when white supremacists marched in Charlottesville, welcomes his racist views to help sow hate and division in America,” Takano continued.
But that doesn’t mean legislators shouldn’t continue to speak out and condemn this radical. “Each day we allow a white nationalist to be in charge of US immigration policy is a day where thousands of children and families lives are in danger,” tweeted Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “This year alone, under Miller’s direction, the US has put almost 70,000 children in custody.” That number spanning 2019, researchers said, is “unprecedented.”
Miller needs to go. “I feel pretty secure in my belief that flaming white nationalists should have no place in the White House, the halls of Congress or anywhere, for that matter,” said Rep. Ted Lieu, whip for the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus. In a separate statement last week, that caucus’ chair, Judy Chu, issued a joint statement with the chairs of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, and Congressional Hispanic Caucus also calling for Miller’s resignation.
”As documented by the Southern Poverty Law Center, Stephen Miller has embedded himself in white nationalist doctrine for years, including promoting racist propaganda from fringe sites like VDARE and InfoWars,” they said. “We feel like it is up to us to point out the obvious—someone who writes, talks, and governs like a white nationalist is in fact a white nationalist.”
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