Pelosi On Trump's “Nervous Nancy” Dis: “Pfft. He's Nervous. He's Always Projecting”
January 10th 2020
Nancy Pelosi (Gage Skidmore)
By Aldous J Pennyfarthing (of the Daily Kos community)
It’s no secret that Donald Trump is a master projector.
The media are “liars” and “fake.”
Bernie Sanders is “crazy.”
Hillary was “crooked.”
He makes fun of other people’s looks and weight, even though, on a good day, he looks like a giant balloon Ed Gein slapped together the night before the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. (And on a bad day, of course, he looks like Donald Trump.)
He’s accused an entire room of people of being orange.
So, yeah, insane in the membrane.
And don’t think Nancy Pelosi hasn’t noticed.
In a new interview with Time magazine, Pelosi was asked if Trump’s feeble nickname for her, “Nervous Nancy,” was accurate. Evidently, no:
“Pfft,” she says, waving a hand. “He’s nervous. Everything he says, he’s always projecting. He knows the case that can be made against him. That’s why he’s falling apart.”
He is falling apart. But then, that’s always been true, hasn’t it?
And Pelosi? Yup. She’s always been a boss.
Posted with permission