On Wednesday, Pelosi Scolded Trump During His Temper Tantrum at a White House Meeting on Syria. See the Lawrence O'Donnell Twitter Feed and Photos.
October 16, 2019
Nancy Pelosi strikes the right patronizing tone as she smirked at Trump before his State of the Union speech earlier this year.
According to NBC News,
Democratic leaders in Congress on Wednesday angrily walked out of a White House meeting with President Donald Trump after he had a "meltdown," according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
"What we witnessed on the part of the president was a meltdown. Sad to say," Pelosi told reporters outside the White House with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
The President started the meeting with a lengthy bombastic monologue, according to a senior Democratic aide. He bragged about the "nasty" letter he sent to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan over the Turkish leader's decision to invade northern Syria, the aide said.
The Democratic leaders walked out on Trump and his brain trust after Trump insulted Pelosi in his perennial schoolyard fashion by calling her a “third-rate-politician.”
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Pelosi slow-walked impeachment until the Ukraine scandal, but she always appeared to have Trump’s number.
As a mother of five children and a grandmother of nine, she famously avowed that she knew a temper tantrum when she saw one, and so she treated Trump in tantrum mode as one would a child.
Trump is besieged by bipartisan opposition to his horrifying Syrian debacle decision, probably, as BuzzFlash, has speculated at the request of Putin. BuzzFlash provided evidence that Putin’s goals for northeastern Syria, as he stated in mid-September, fit to a “T” Trump’s shocking abandonment of the Kurds, release of ISIS terrorists, reversion of the Kurdish enclave to Syria and the expansion of Russian hegemony. Wednesday, the House passed a bipartisan rebuke of the chaos and bloodshed he unleashed in Syria.
Trump keeps saying it was time to “bring our soldiers home.” However, he doesn’t mention that the day after ordering the withdrawal of troops from Syria, he ordered twice as many deployed to protect Saudi Arabian oil fields.
Pelosi showed in these photos that she had no fear of schooling Trump, as one would an unruly adolescent student. The only problem remains, the adolescent reprobate still occupies in the White House.
Pelosi said we should pray for Trump.
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