Rachel Maddow Slams New York Times News Division for Right-Wing Talking Point Articles Against Dems, While Normalizing Trump
January 14th 2020
New York Times Building, NYC (Torrenegra)
By Bethesda 1971 (of the Daily Kos community)
Tonight, Rachel Maddow went after the NY Times’ destructive coverage of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign — and to date. The occasion was the Justice Department conclusion, despite a politicized investigation, that Hillary Clinton did nothing wrong conerning her emails. And despite its obsessive coverage of the phony “scandal” during the campaign, the NY Times has not to date run any story about the exoneration. When the State Department reached a similar conclusion a few months ago, the story was on page A16 of the Times — quite a contrast to their almost daily front page stories in 2016.
Maddow also went into the Times horrible coverage of the Clinton Foundation — which included a partnership with Brietbart slimer Peter Schweizer on the totally bogus Uranium One matter. The Trump Foundation has to give back $2 million to charities it stole from — yet hardly a peep from the Times about that.
Next do Morning Joe, Rachel.
Here is my book proposal "No Clear Link: How the NY Times Helped Elect Trump in 2016." With Table of Contents:
1. Introduction: The stature and influence of the New York Times
2. Remember the ‘90s? Jeff Gerth and the Times’ role in flogging Whitewater et al.
3. Times 2016 Coverage by the Numbers: Stories, May-June 2016
Clinton Foundation: 260; Trump Foundation: 62
HRC Emails: 849 Trump U.: 177
4. Undercoverage of
Trump history: e.g., Mob ties, USFL debacle, Trump Tower laborers
Trump Associations: e.g., Alex Jones (two Times mentions, May-June 2016)
Deutsche Bank — Trump’a only lender was a money laundering suspect
6. Foundation of Lies: Collaboration with White Supremacist Rag Breitbart
7. Policy v. Scandal Coverage: See Graph
8. “No Clear Link:” Credulous acceptance of rogue FBI lies on Russia -10/31 story
9. “Donald the Dove, Hillary the Hawk:” Maureen Dowd’s pathological HRC hatred
10. Epilogue: Post-election coverage
“Cloud lifted:” Barr coverage
Post election books by reporters covering HRC: “her fault; not ours”
“Courtier” coverage: “Trump family: the new Kennedys,” Haberman and access journalism
Posted with permission