Ron Johnson Is as Pixilated as a Prairie Dog on Meth
June 14, 2021
Special to BuzzFlash by Mark Karlin
Has Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) been inhaling Dioxin for most of his life, or is he just genetically shortchanged? (DonkeyHotey)
Someone who's pixilated is a bit mischievous and eccentric, like the wacky man in your town who wears rainbow suspenders and breaks into pixilated dance routines in the middle of the library. — Google Definition
Ron Johnson has enough bats in his belfry to spread Coronavirus around the world. Watching him make one incredulous proclamation after another, with an arch smug grin, one thinks that he could be someone’s nutty uncle who somehow escaped from the attic.
Heck, it takes quite a dingbat to get suspended for promoting phony “cures” and “treatments” for COVID at a time when the pandemic is plunging in terms of deaths and infections due to vaccines. But that deranged outlook just got Johnson banned from YouTube as COVID fades away due to scientific advances. Who, exactly, would listen to a Wisconsin Senator touting hydroxychloroquine at a time when the US is bursting with a feeling of liberation from the pandemic?
Meanwhile, Johnson who claims the January 6 insurrectionists were like a group of friendly campers, excoriated YouTube for alleged “cancel culture,” which he regularly engages in. That includes his denial that there was a January 6 insurrection. That’s a heaping spoonful of hypocrisy.
It’s a challenge to detail Johnson’s full historical record of hypocrisy, mixed together with a generous portion of ignorance.
As noted above, he basically called the January 6 insurrectionists trustworthy because they were white, but that what was really needed was an investigation of the post-George Floyd murder Black Lives Matter protests. This is hypocrisy via the assertions of false equivalencies, or maybe you can just call it straight-up racism.
When the Republicans still controlled the Senate, Johnson was Chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. Instead of investigating the “in plain sight” illegal electioneering of Trump in the Ukraine that was happening contemporaneously, he threatened to subpoena Hunter Biden, even though there was no indication of wrongdoing.
The online publication Urban Milwaukee called out Johnson’s hypocritical consistency in confirming Trump’s Federalist GOP judges to the Supreme Court despite upcoming elections in 2018, and then the betrayal of the Amy Comey Barrett last-minute rush-through before Biden assumed office. The publication referred to Johnson’s “High Court Hypocrisy” in its headline. Of course, Johnson opposed the nomination of Merrick Garland in 2016, for a full year.
In November of 2019, Johnson told Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press,” according to a Madison.Com podcast entitled, “Ron Johnson’s Hypocrisy on Impeachment”:
But Sunday's interview led to a gotcha moment on impeachment.
When Johnson, R-Oshkosh, suggested the left was premature in seeking to remove President Donald Trump from office, Todd displayed a quote from Johnson accusing then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of a "high crime or misdemeanor" just days before the 2016 election.
This is the hustle brand of hypocrisy that Johnson and so many Republicans excel at. It’s the big con that Trump has mastered.
We’ll close with Johnson’s 2016 promise that he would not run again if re-elected. Now, he is leaving open the possibility he will seek a third term in 2022. His strongest message if he runs again will be his unrelenting and fey hypocrisy.
And those are just some of the reasons Ron Johnson is the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite of the week.
So many Republicans, so little time.
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