Scott Trimingham for BuzzFlash: If You Are a Republican, You've Come to a Political Fork in the Road. Do You Support the Constitution or Insurrection?
April 2, 2021
Message to Republicans: Which side are you on? (Blink O'fanaye)
By Scott Trimingham
If you’re a Republican, how do you feel about the January 6th Capitol Insurrection?
Did you support it? Do you support it now?
This was your Party - the Republican Party under Trump - who invaded our Capitol, killed policeman tasked with protecting congressmembers, and hunted for Vice President Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi with intents of hanging the former and kidnapping the latter, at the very least. I shudder to think of the bloodshed that could have occurred, along with the loss of our freedoms, were it not for the Capitol police who stood up to the rioting right wing insurrectionists that day.
The timing of the Insurrection, on January 6th, was so they could stop the counting of electoral votes that would certify a valid election. Consequently, in criminal justice terms, these Republican insurrectionists had the motive, means and opportunity to commit this historic crime against our democracy.
Fortunately, they ultimately failed due to incompetence. Not a coincidence, the same thing happened to the Trump administration.
If you supported the Insurrection at the time, or if you support it now, then that is your choice.
On the other hand, if you didn’t support the Insurrection, and don’t support it now, then why are you a Republican?
Because staying in the Republican Party at this point is giving the Insurrection your tacit approval, and that makes you complicit. So, please excuse me for not taking you seriously regarding anything remotely concerning small “d” democracy - because you have clearly shown your disregard and disrespect for our democracy. Any democracy.
No, you’ve thrown your lot in with ragtag insurrectionists like the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, Oath Keepers, white supremacists, white nationalist militias, neo-Nazis and dwindling QAnon followers who are now your political wingmen, allies, and armed forces.
Everyone should agree, if you’re on the same side of politics and issues with these characters, then you’re clearly on the wrong side of history.
Lastly, if you’re a Republican, how do you feel about the rash of new voter suppression legislation currently being proposed and enacted across the country by your Party? Do you really believe that voter fraud is a significant problem? It isn’t. That Republicans say it is a problem is just another demonstrably false Big Lie. Like the Big Lie that the “election was stolen”.
Do you not see that voter suppression is just a strategy to reduce voting by people of color?
Do you support this desperate and dangerous Jim-Crow-on-steroids campaign? Is making it hard to vote for anyone a democratic thing to do? Are you so anti-democracy that your party’s answer to the failed coup attempt on January 6th is to double down on voter suppression tactics instead of the welfare of people?
If you’re a Republican, you have come to a political fork in the road. If you leave then you preserve a shred of decency and self-respect.
But if you remain you are complicit.
Scott Trimingham writes about the environment and politics.
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