Susan Collins Photoshopped Trump Sign Out of Maine Campaign Event, Even Though She Voted 94% of the Time With Him
August 26, 2020
Susan Collins (Gage Skidmore)
By Joan McCarter
On the day that more than two dozen Republican ex-lawmakers, including Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona, announce they won't vote for Donald Trump, Sen. Susan Collins is displaying an astounding degree of cowardice about Trump. Astounding and cowardly, even for her! For months, Collins has been refusing to say whether or not she'll support Trump. She's refused to say if she voted for him in May's primary (his was the only name on the Republican ballot). She had no problem posing for pictures and speaking under a Trump banner—literally!—at a Sanford, Maine, Trump event. But when it came time to talk about her attending the rally on social media, her campaign—literally!—photoshopped Trump's name out of the picture. Check out this picture shared by Democratic challenger Sara Gideon's communications director, with Collins happily posing with two young Trump supporters in front of a Trump sign.
Then check out that same door in this tweet from Collins, at a "Great meet and greet this morning in Springvale!" Specifically look in the far left of that first crowd picture. And look at the one thing that is blurry in the whole photo: the sliver of the very identifiable Trump/Pence sign on the door!
Like that would work. Like no one was going to know exactly where she was.
She actually tried to photoshop Trump out of her campaign! How ham-handed and cowardly does it get? She's not just a coward at this point, she's a lying (and stupid) coward.
Posted with permission