Susan Collins Is Very Disappointed That Women's Groups Have Noticed She Sold Them Out
October 9th 2019
Fortune The Most Powerful Women 2013 (Fortune Live Media)
By Joan McCarter
Sen. Susan Collins is very disappointed. As usual. She's also feeling victimized. As usual. And she's raising money off of her supposed victimization. As usual.
Today it's about national pro-choice political action group EMILY's List, which is "attacking" her by running a social media campaign in which she is put "on notice" for her voting record against women. Specifically, that she "Voted to defund Planned Parenthood; Voted against strengthening equal pay protections and ensuring women are fairly compensated for their work"; and "Cast a deciding vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice."
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All of which is true, and none of which she can deny. So she's playing the victim, fundraising off of this by saying, "[S]ee how the left is targeting me" in an email, before asking for "a quick instant financial contribution." She's also pretending that this is solely about Kavanaugh. In another email, she writes that she's "cast over 7,000 votes since entering the Senate," but since her Kavanaugh vote, "the Left has raised millions trying to unseat me and my Republican colleagues."
"We are counting on your support so we can keep fighting for our shared conservative values," says the email sent by Collins for the National Republican Senate Committee. She's embracing the "shared conservative values" of her party, and at the same time whining that she's being picked on because she's abandoned the women who have kept her in office all these years. But who would expect anything less of her at this point?
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