The Unvaccinated Should Be Under House Detention Wearing Ankle Monitors
Freedom does not include the right to infect and kill people (Jeff Gates)
August 1, 2021
The notion that “freedom” allows Americans who are politically weaponized to infect and kill their fellow citizens only thrives because the Democrats have been afraid to institute vaccination mandates (when legally possible) and vaccine passports. Joe Biden appears to be slowly warming up to the idea, but even if he implements mandates for federal workers and the military, it it likely the Red State Superspreader Governors, such as Abbott, DeSantis and Noem, will continue to kindle the spread of the Delta-recharged COVID droplets, including prohibiting businesses from requiring vaccinations and proof of vaccination to shop or eat.
This intentional embrace of a GOP political death cult in order to damage Biden’s well-strategized vaccination drive and sully the Democratic brand for the 2022 mid-terms may lead to more than one million COVID deaths, and countless infections, including long-haulers who are plagued with secondary disease and cognitive and physical impairment.
Although it is not legally possible, all Trumpster elected officials, media celebrities, and dead-end Trumpsters would be ideally arrested and confined to their homes, forced to wear an ankle monitor, until they become vaccinated. It may be, although only hypothetical just desserts, the only way to rein in COVID, as we were doing before the defiant unvaccinated started spreading the Delta variant and incubating other variants.
Healthcare workers in most patient contact fields must receive certain vaccines, including for Heptatis B, a highly contagious disease. The same is true of members of the military, with additional mandates based on where they are stationed.
Take one example, as BuzzFlash did, of the hypocrisy of the Republican anti-Democratic “big” government toxic legacy of infection and death, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota. We recently awarded her the BuzzFlash GOP Hypocrite Award of the week, entitled, “Last Year, GOP South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Said "Vaccinations Have Literally Saved Millions of Lives Over the Years." Then She Took a Knee for Trump and Became a COVID Spreader.”
BuzzFlash noted then, “As of May of this year, South Dakota had the third-highest percentage of COVID cases per 100,000 population. As Sarah Palin might ask Noem, ‘How’s that going for you?’”
More importantly, like every state, South Dakota requires multiple vaccinations for children to attend school, which Noem supports:
The 49-Year-Old Noem married her college sweetheart at 20 and has three grown children. Presumably, she complied with the extensive list of vaccines required by the state for children to be admitted to school.
On the South Dakota Department of Public Health Immunization page, here is just an excerpt:
South Dakota Codified Law 13-28-7.1 (Rev. 2016) requires that any pupil entering school or an early childhood program in this state shall, prior to admission, be required to present to school authorities certification from a licensed physician that the child has received, or is in the process of receiving, adequate immunization against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, rubeola (measles), rubella, mumps, tetanus, meningitis and varicella (chickenpox), according to the recommendations of the State Department of Health.
This law applies to ALL children entering a South Dakota school district for the first time. This would include children in early intervention programs, preschool, as well as kindergarten through twelfth grade. Children under 4 need to be age-appropriately immunized.
In fact, not only did Noem comply with the multiple vaccine requirements for her children, in February of 2020, as the pandemic was just beginning, Noem opposed a bill by anti-school-vaxxers that failed to pass the state legislature. What was Noem’s position on the attempt to eliminate required vaccines for students? "Vaccinations have literally saved millions of lives over the years,” Noem said in a news conference last year in defense of immunizing young people to prevent transmission of a number of diseases.
As we also noted in that commentary, one of the first signs you see driving in the state is that there is a seat belt requirement, with tickets issued for non-compliance.
Notice on the left that when entering South Dakota by car, the law that you are warned about is that seat belts are required by state law, thus confirming that Governor Kristi Noem and the state do regulate personal behavior. (Geof Wilson )
Those Trumpsters, meaning most Republicans, who stridently argue that their freedom is at stake if they take the vaccine, are selfish narcissists and domestic terrorists. That may sound hyperbolic, but if a foreign power were to send agents to the US to spread a deadly contagion, wouldn’t that be an act of domestic terrorism?
As Political Wire reported today, “Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) told Fox News that he would support a vaccine mandate for an ‘incredibly deadly disease,’ but said he would not support such a mandate for COVID-19.”
In short, this is all about weaponizing death for political gain and allowing new more lethal variants to develop.
This is not an issue of freedom. It is about the health of our nation and the protection of our citizens and migrants. Those who would willfully expose themselves and spread COVID should be shunned and confined to their homes under monitoring by a public health agency.
The health and lives of unsuspecting Americans cannot be left to the mercy of fanatic, belliger conspiratorialists.
As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, “What Was the CDC Thinking? As if Anti-Vaxxers Would Voluntarily Wear Masks to Protect Others”:
Like Trump, the unvaccinated should be held criminally responsible for directly or indirectly causing the deaths of fellow Americans. Of course, the likelihood that this will happen is nil, because it would be hard to prove cases in court, and the Biden administration doesn’t want to prosecute Trump, let alone the unvaccinated, for negligent manslaughter.
But back to the CDC for the moment. Who in the brain trust there thought that the cough-spewing, pistol-packing, hateful, selfish unvaccinated would honor wearing a mask in public places? It’s not, as they say, in their nature.
Instituting an honor system for mask-wearing in enclosed settings was naive at best. There was no way the Trump cult was going to wear masks, when defiance unto death is their trademark.
So there is no other alternative but home confinement for the Typhoid Marys among us. Typhoid Mary was quarantined for more than 30 years. She didn’t have an option for a vaccine. The killers amongst us today do.
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