The Democrats Must Go for the GOP Jugular if Democracy Is to Survive and Americans Are to Be Spared COVID Infection and Death
Florida Governor Ron “Trump Mini-Me” DeSantis represents the death cult wing of the GOP. (Gage Skidmore)
August 14, 2021
By Leroy Knohl
In many ways, our two political parties are as different as night and day. As opponents, this is clearly true: the Democrats are, in general, a bunch when it comes to dealing with their opponent; the Republicans, in stark contrast, viciously attack the Democrats, constantly and in both word and deed.
We now face a moment in which both parties are facing a fight for their very lives; in such a circumstance, Democrats would have to be sheer lunatics to keep treating the GOP with kid gloves.
In fact, for the Democrats, this moment calls for them to go for the jugular. And the GOP, by their recent actions, have placed themselves perfectly in the sights of the Dems, and the only thing left is to get the Democrats to come out of their meek stance and attack. Democrats now control the government, so they are perfectly placed to seize this opportunity.
What I am talking about can be framed in one word: death. You see, the Republicans have taken strategic positions on a number of issues that largely end up leading to the death of those who accept the stance that the GOP is proposing.
Such actions can, and should, be prosecuted as crimes. And when the electorate realizes that the GOP has been loudly and openly taking actions that are not only criminal, but also deadly in their consequence, it will be very difficult for the people to continue supporting such a “murderous party.”
For the Democrats, the Republican actions that they support while knowing their position will lead to numerous deaths includes: President Trump’s mishandling of the coronavirus; GOP efforts to promote citizen refusal to be vaccinated; state laws that prohibit citizens from following health department guidelines; the GOP’s ongoing opposition to any gun control measures; and the GOP’s denial of Global Warming, which is on the verge of threatening the very existence of life on the planet.
This will be a heavy lift for the Democrats, considering their timid stance of declining to prosecute numerous serious crimes perpetrated by Republican administrations in the past. But they have to consider two points: taking such action may very well be their only hope of survival; and allowing the GOP to win, given the GOP’s recent actions, would basically end democracy for America and give the Republicans authoritarian control.
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