The Secret Service Paid Trump Properties Over $250,000 in Five Months—and Nobody Knows Exactly Why
November 22nd 2019
Secret Service agents stand guard(Chuck Patch)
By Walter Einekel
Property of the People, a watchdog group that requests and secures public government documents, has been requesting and receiving the records of costs incurred by our current white supremacist in chief. The numbers are what we have come to expect for the billionaire who is making “great deals”: deals that no one can put a finger on or give a single example of. The Washington Post reports these records show how expensive it is for Americans to be in business with Trump.
Whereas earlier reports of the first few months of Trump’s presidency showed a little under $100,000 spent at Trump businesses by the government, these new records show that the Secret Service spent more than $250,000 total paying off Trump businesses. The Post points out that it is hard to figure out exactly what was spent on, but golfing is clearly a big part of it.
This isn’t a surprise, as Trump’s main activity (besides lying in bed watching Fox News and tweeting) has been golfing. And the costs of Trump’s golfing habits have cost American taxpayers around $100,000,000. A big part of that has gone to renting golf carts for large details, and also having to turn regular golf carts into golf carts that Trump et al can tool around in while he cheats at the game. Trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost taxpayers a cool $1 million per day on average.
Now, as Property of the People explains, all of this spending might not be due to Trump himself. It might also be Trump’s family and friends, people that the Secret Service must provide security for. Nothing like having a government-funded security detail that pays you to protect you at your own place of business.
And considering how much time Trump spends away from the White House and on his properties, it is clear what business he is most interested in conducting.
Posted with permission