"This Is the Last Gasp of a Desperate Party": Elizabeth Warren Urges Resolve in the Face of Tyranny by the Minority GOP
September 21, 2020
Senator Elizabeth urges us to keep our eyes on the prize. The unconscionable “warp speed” effort to confirm a right-wing, anti-choice Supreme Court judge is “the last gasp of a corrupt Republican leadership that doesn’t reflect the views of the majority of our people.” (Gage Skidmore)
By Mark Sumner
Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but … Elizabeth Warren speaks for me. Addressing our loss and the challenges we—as a party, as a nation, as a people—are facing following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Warren captures both the emotional impact of the loss and the importance of what happens now.
Warren urged us to intensify our resolve:
“Our grief is real, but we cannot slip into despair. We simply can’t afford it, because too much is at stake. The Republicans are attacking so much that we hold dear. Roe vs. Wade. Voting. The fight to be an America where no one is discriminated against because of the color of their skin, because of how they worship, or because of who they love. Ruth defended it all … and now she is gone.
Four years ago, Mitch McConnell refused to move forward on President Obama’s nominee because the president had only one year left on his term. Ruth understood the impact of McConnell’s decision on our democracy, and she left the nation a note saying that ‘her most fervent wish’ was for her replacement not to be named ‘until a new president is installed.’
But Mitch McConnell isn’t listening. He has already made it clear that he and Donald Trump will try to name a new Supreme Court justice with only 45 days until the election. This is the last gasp of a desperate party that is over-represented in the halls of power; the last gasp of a corrupt Republican leadership that doesn’t reflect the views of the majority of our people.