Treason, Times Two
March 9th 2020
President Trump points at the crowd as he walks pass the inaugural parade reviewing stand in the 58th Presidential Inaugural parade in Washington D.C., January 20, 2017 (U.S. Army photo by Pvt. Gabriel Silva)
By James Rogers Bush
American intelligence has confirmed that Russian intelligence was involved in trying to swing the American election in favor of Donald Trump. American intelligence has also confirmed that members of the Trump campaign were in touch with Russian intelligence during the election. And now, with the recent impeachment hearing revelations, extremely credible witnesses have testified that Trump, with certain members of his administration, leaned on the President of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden in exchange for the release of already committed military aid that was badly needed in their fight with Russia. Much of this was confirmed in the Mueller Report, despite Bill Barr’s effort to absolve Trump.
When I was in nursery school, one of the first things I learned how to do was to add and subtract. And the very first addition I ever performed was to add one and one to make two. When I watch the reactions, by Republicans, Trump supporters, and the conservative media, to the revelations by our intelligence community, concerning the involvement of Russian intelligence in our election process and the Trump administration’s communications with them, I can only come to one of three conclusions: either they did not learn how to add when they were in nursery school, they are cowards, or they are complicit in treason against the United States.
Only a fool, coward, or traitor could doubt that the Trump administration connived and colluded with Russia, at least in spirit and expression of desire, if not in legally prosecutable fact, to steal the election from Hillary Clinton and thus install a presidency favorable to Vladimir Putin. And now, with the Ukraine fiasco that was at the heart of the impeachment process, we had an impeachable, in the words of John Bolton, “drug deal,” with the intention of giving Donald Trump four more years in the White House, absolving Vladimir Putin of blame for manipulating the 2016 election, and bringing an end to the sanctions on Russia. Although Trump was not removed from office, his treacherous behavior was confirmed by many sources.
The United States and the American people are the victims of an ongoing coup; a coup that was contrived and executed by Donald Trump, members of his campaign staff, members of his family, certain members of the Republican Party, and some members of the military and business communities, with the help of Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence. It’s a disorganized coup, subject to the whims of Donald Trump, but a coup nonetheless. And all of the individuals involved in perpetrating this coup, no matter what their motives, and no matter whether they are in or out of favor with Trump, are traitors. And those Americans who did not know what was happening, but are now refusing to face what has happened, whether they are Republican members of congress or just Trump supporters, are passively complicit with treason.
It is time now for all American patriots to rise and face the fact that an actual coup, by a wild assortment of domestic traitors and foreign enemies, is occurring. Then we all must demand that our elected representatives put an immediate end to this coup, first by continuing the investigation post-impeachment to get to the very bottom of everything that has happened, and finally by prosecuting every other individual involved, either directly or indirectly.
This is not a time for cowardice. This is a time for courage and the expression of extreme outrage at what has happened to our country. We cannot let this stand. We must fight to save our republic from the domestic traitors and foreign enemies who would like to turn our government into an autocratic, oligarchic, kleptocratic farce, where democracy is nothing more than a front for traitors, sociopaths, criminals, and thieves.
There are those among us, however, who will slip and slide their way around facing what has happened to our country and what is yet to come. Either for partisan reasons, mercenary investments, fear of reprisal, or because Trump is all they’ve got, they will tell us that things are not as bad as they seem and that we should be patient and wait for clarity before we jump to conclusions or act in haste. Do not trust them, trust your instincts, trust what you can see and feel, along with the facts that we already know. Things are as bad as they seem, patience has run out, everything is quite clear, and the time for action is now.
While we were looking elsewhere, uninterested, uninvolved, and uninformed, a group of shameless miscreants plotted to rob us of our democracy and our freedom, confident that we would not notice. But we did notice. Our Dem House Representatives must continue to work hard to bring Donald Trump to justice, no matter how close the election is — even more so with his homicidal negligence in intentionally slowing a national response to the Corona virus — and, if we couldn’t remove him from our White House through impeachment, we will vote him out in 2020.
We, the American citizens of this great republic, will not be fooled or cowed into submission, we will not surrender our will or our rights to the likes of Donald J. Trump and his gang of twisted sycophants, and we will never roll over to the influence of a foreign dictator.
Semper pergendum sine timore (Press on Without Fear)
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