Trump Can’t Name Anyone He’s Asked Other Countries to Investigate Who’s Not a Rival
October 8th 2019
Donald Trump - Caricature (DonkeyHotey)
By Josh Israel
Donald Trump repeatedly claimed on Friday that his attempts to get foreign governments to dig up dirt on Joe Biden and his family were totally apolitical and only about his “obligation” to root out “corruption.”
But when asked for examples of seeking such information about people who were not his political opponents, he appeared stumped.
At a press availability outside the White House, he asserted that his brazen, and likely illegal, attempts to get countries like Ukraine and China to investigate his possible 2020 opponent had absolutely nothing to do with politics. “I don’t care if it’s Biden or anybody else, if they can help us,” he claimed. “Anything having to do with corruption, I actually feel like I have an obligation.”
But when pressed by CNBC’s Eamon Javers about whether he had ever asked foreign leaders for help investigating corruption not involving his political opposition, he could not point to a single example.
“You know, we would have to look,” Trump responded.
Trump has also asked foreign leaders for information about the origins of the Robert Mueller investigation and for dirt on 2016 opponent Hillary Clinton.
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