Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT): "Trump Is Deliberately Killing People. His Plan Is to Kill People. Let's Just Say It"
August 31, 2020
White House Press Briefing (The White House)
By Eric Nelson (of the Daily Kos community)
The unvarnished truth we’re not seeing or hearing near enough of these days.
Senator Murphy stands by that assessment and explains why:
Here are a few of those tweeted explanations from the senator Chris Murphy’s thread:
He [Trump] and his advisors KNEW the consequences of brazenly thumbing their nose at their own CDC. They know viewers follow his example, and thus it will now be impossible to convince many people social distancing/masks are important. Bc Trump has made it crystal clear they AREN'T.
Think of it this way - say you told your wife you're going to drive to the grocery store, and on the way ignore all the stoplights. You don't have a good reason - you just want to get to the store faster. She tells you before you leave that you're going to get people killed.
But you do it anyway, and you run over people. You had no good reason to be reckless. You knew the consequences beforehand and did it anyway. You'd be rightly called a killer.
The difference btwn you and Trump is that you killed 3 or 4. Trump's actions killed thousands.
this; Dr. Vin Gupta explained what’s going on in the video segment linked:
"Had we shut-down in the first weeks of March..we could have saved 80% of lives”
To my mind this is further evidence of a crime underway: This corporate liability pushed by senate majority leader and Trump enabler Moscow Mitch McConnell (R) is, at least to me, direct concrete evidence that the Trump regime knowingly and deliberately obtains as their agenda, a course of action that amounts to the guarantee of more deaths. According to the CDC modeling an estimated 300,000 death toll by December last time I’d checked
Here are links to:
• Speaker Pelosi explaining Trump and GOP malfeasance; and the solutions very much needed months ago and even more so today
• Mitch McConnell's 'liability shield' is a weapon aimed at COVID-19 victims
• Jane Mayer details Trump and GOP's top donors ruthlessly leveraging the coronavirus crisis to strip workers of protections
• None had to happen if we'd had a non-corrupt, non-denial, non-cover-up, prompt national response beginning when the January 30th, 2020 (PHEIC) alert went out…
Here is a transcript of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi explaining how the Heroes Act strengthens OSHA safety protocols for both employer and employees — and that the special corporate liability demanded by McConnell is a runaround bit of extortion that protects corporations while endangering the workers
A direct link to the transcript (July 15, 2020): Nancy Pelosi — Speaker of the house — Government website
Mark Sumner writes:
Trump did the crime, then he arranged the cover-up; only this time the crime is genocide
And it can never be forgotten that America’s worst-in-the-world results from the pandemic didn’t just happen.
It wasn’t even just the malignant incompetence Trump brings to so many issues.
The decision to allow COVID-19 to ravage the country was deliberate, made expressly because Trump believed that the people sitting in front of him on Thursday night would gain an advantage by allowing Americans in blue states to die.
Posted with permission