We Are Into Dystopian Mass Delusional Psychosis: Roger Stone Bizarrely Claims North Koreans Smuggled in Biden Ballots Through Maine Port. No, It's Not From the Onion.
December 4, 2020
Roger Stone bolsters Donald Trump’s control over the deranged thinking of his psychotic bubble (Victoria Pickering)
Pardons are in the Trump orbit now, as he seeks to save his skin and that of his family and acolytes from federal prosecution. If the precedent of pardons for Mike Flynn, who is now advocating for martial law, and Roger Stone, who is promoting baseless extraterrestial claims of election theft, are any indication, we can expect Trump federal pardons for himself and his family to lead to more dangerous and destructive for democracy Alice in Wonderland false assertions.
Indeed, Roger Stone is now making a beyond-bizarre claim that Kim Jung-Un helped “steal” the 2020 presidential election for Biden by illicitly sneaking Biden ballots, via a boat, into a port in Maine. No, this is not from the Onion.
As News Center Maine reported on December 3:
Roger Stone, longtime friend and former adviser of President Donald Trump, thrust Maine into the national spotlight Wednesday with unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud.
Appearing on “The Alex Jones Show,” a far-right radio show that typically perpetuates conspiracy theories, Stone claimed that North Korea interfered in the presidential election via Maine ports.
"I just learned of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering ballots through a harbor in Maine, the state of Maine," Stone said. "If this checks out, if law enforcement looked into that and it turned out to be true, it would be proof of foreign involvement in the election."
It would be easy to dismiss Stone as a dirty trickster fabulist, but the reality is that Trump, with help from unscrupulous “advisers” such as Stone, has created a psychotic bubble that includes perhaps 40% of the US population. the alternative reality of utterly mind boggling assertions has become the credulous narrative for the Trump cabal. Over four years, he has created a menacing and corrosive kingdom of preposterous claims and conspiracy theories, echoed by the right-wing media and social networking forces such as Qanon, that has turned big lies into believable assertions by his followers.
You can be sure that Stone’s other-worldly claim of “of absolute incontrovertible evidence of North Korean boats delivering [Biden] ballots through a harbor in Maine” is caroming around the Trump cabal now.
To paraphrase Mark Twain, “a lie can travel around the world before the truth even gets its pants on.”
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