Neo-Confederate Racist Senator Ron "Beauregard" Johnson (R-WI) Claims January 6 Insurrectionists "Love This Country," as He Denounces Black Lives Matter Justice Advocates as Dangerous
March 13, 2021
It’s hard to watch Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) patronizingly posture during Senate hearings without having an urge to slap that arrogant Tea Party smirk off his face. Johnson, who inexplicably became a second-term US Senator by beating a comeback bid by the revered Democrat Russ Feingold in 2016, may represent a northern state, but his heart belongs to Dixie and the Trump cult.
Johnson said the quiet thing out loud the other day when he was being interviewed on the San Antonio-based right-wing “Joe Pags Show” radio program. Not only did he confess that he would be fearful if Black Lives Matter protesters had invaded the US Capitol on January 6, but he embraced the insurrectionists as fellow travelers.
Johnson told Pags (Listen in tweet posted above):
"I knew those were people who love this country, that truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break the law, so I wasn't concerned."
Really, did Johnson have his eyes closed on January 6 when he was in the Senate and the Trump seditionists illegally invaded the Capitol, attacked police, sought out officials to “arrest and execute,” obstructed the business of Congress and caused extensive and costly damage to the building? If his beloved “patriots” were law abiding, why is the FBI making the insurrection perhaps its largest manhunt in history?
Then Johnson went full racist when he added:
"Now, had the tables been turned, and Joe — this is going to get me in trouble — had the tables been turned and President Trump won the election and tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and antifa, I might have been a little concerned.”
A March 12 article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel quotes a Democratic Wisconsin state senator, who called out Johnson’s blatant racism:
"What, white people love this country and Black people don’t? That’s exactly what he’s saying," state Sen. LaTonya Johnson, a Democrat from Milwaukee who is Black, said….
"For him to say something as racist as that — it’s ridiculous," she said. "It’s a totally racist comment and the insult to injury is he didn’t mind saying it in the position that he holds because for some reason that’s just deemed as acceptable behavior for people who live in and are elected officials in this state."
Of course, Johnson ignores that the DC Black Lives Matter protesters last summer were largely non-violent, but were brutally treated by the National Guard and unidentified law enforcement officers overseen by former Attorney General Barr.
Johnson joins Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley as being among the most annoying and gobsmacking cynical and irritating Senators in Congress. Prior to his interview with Pags, Johnson was in the news for forcing the entire American Rescue Plan bill to be read out loud during Senate debate, for no other reason than to delay its inevitable passage. In addition to racism, he has been an inveterate backer of Trump, regularly holding hearings — when the Republicans controlled Congress — to try and debunk the reality that the Russians interfered in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump.
Johnson reminds us of how much of Trumpism is fueled by an emotional attachment to the “lost cause” of the Confederacy. At its heart is the racist notion that treasonous white males, including those who assault the police, are patriots, while Blacks seeking justice are dangerous. It would make Confederate States’ President Jefferson Davis proud.
Wisconsin GOP Senator Ron Johnson represents the expansion of “Lost Cause” neo-Confederacy thinking metastasizing throughout the nation (DonkeyHotey)