Check Out Just Two Years of BF News Analyses: Epic Takedowns of the Bush Era, the Antecedent to Trump -- and There Was So Much More Over the Years
The original BuzzFlash logo first appeared in May of 2000.
Two years of BuzzFlash analyses represent just a small portion of BF original content. BuzzFlash had reader commentaries, an editor’s blog, editoriasl, columnists and so much more. Indeed, we “honored” a GOP Hypocrite of the Week, awarded “The Wings of Justice Award” to inspiring progressives and even chose a “Media Putz of the Week.” In addition, we sponsored on ongoing online play called The Last Chance Democracy Cafe that illuminated the perils of life in the Bush Years. This was before we took on the Tea Party, Sarah Palin and the Know Nothings who became the Trump base.
Partial News Analysis Archives: 2005-2006
2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
Our Foreign Policy Has Sunk to "Oink, Oink" Stories - July 16, 2006
Bushisms Make Even White House Transcribers "Sic." BuzzFlash Finds Dozens of Gaffes Documented on - July 16, 2006
Under Six Years of Failed Bush Policies, The Middle East Crisis Has Intensified - July 15, 2006
Dispatch from the Department of Reality: What Do You Do When Political Psychotics are Running the U.S. Government? - July 14, 2006
BuzzFlash Takes a Break from Doom And Gloom: Two Signs of Hope - July 9, 2006
Connecting the Dots: GOP Using Scare Tactics to Get Votes - July 7, 2006
Are the Busheviks Playing the "Coded" Anti-Semite Card in Their Attack on the New York Times Banking Story? You Bet. - July 5, 2006
I Bombed Afghanistan and All I Got Was Osama's Driver - July 2, 2006
Hideous WSJ Editorial Board Inadvertently Proves NYT Set Up for Bushevik Red Meat Attack - July 1, 2006
Time To Reel Off Another Bin Laden Tape? - June 30, 2006
GOP Threats to NY Times for Reporting on Transaction Monitoring Is Critical Threat to Free Press - June 27, 2006
Dick Cheney Makes a Rattle Snake Look Honorable - June 26, 2006
BuzzFlash Hates to Beat Up on a Dead War, But the Mainstream Media Won't - June 25, 2006
The Truth Behind the Exaggerated Threat against the Sears Tower - June 23, 2006
Rove Reactivates the Fear Machine - June 23, 2006
Republican Leadership Defying Will of Public, Congress by Preventing Increase of Minimum Wage - June 21, 2006
A Rhetorical Question: Should GIs follow Murtha or Bush/Cheney? - June 20, 2006
A "Good Week" For Bush Means We're in Trouble - June 15, 2006
Bush Team Meets to Pick New Scapegoat for Iraqmire Folly - June 13, 2006
Why Not Just Put al-Zarqawi's Head on a Pike? - June 11, 2006
Would NBC Allow a Domestic Terrorist on the Today Show to Promote a Book? Then Why Was Ann Coulter On, Again? - June 9, 2006
Forget About that 9-Times Killed Al-Qaeda Guy in Iraq: Here's the Real Story of the Day - June 8, 2006
Gays Don't Threaten Heterosexual Marriage, Adultery Does ... So Let's Attack the Real Problem - June 6, 2006
How a Typical New York Times Article is Really Bushevik Propaganda Disguised as News - June 5, 2006
Bush Slogan: Lying Every Day Keeps the Truth Away - June 3, 2006
It Gets Even More Bizarre: Judith Miller (Yeah, That One) Knew 9/11 Might Happen, But Bush Didn't! - May 26, 2006
Dennis Hastert's Letter to Gale Norton Opposing Indian Casino Expansion - May 25, 2006
Dennis Hastert Gave the Dems the House, If They Want It - May 23, 2006
The Myth of the Republican "Moderate" Senator: Lincoln Chafee Case in Point - May 20, 2006
When a Columnist for the New York Times Goes BuzzFlashian, We're Either Making Progress or the "End Times" are Near - May 14, 2006
The Nuts are in the White House, Not in the UK - May 8, 2006
The BuzzFlash Real Story on the CIA 'Shake-up': How the Busheviks Continue To Put America's National Security at Risk - May 8, 2006
Mainstream Media Treatment of CIA Chief Resignation Is Astounding and Pathetic - May 6, 2006
A Tale of Two Americas - May 5, 2006
Stephen Colbert: You Brought Bush Down to Size, Which, in George's Case, is a Flea - May 3, 2006
If This Isn't a De Facto Dictatorship, What Is? - May 1, 2006
Okay, We Know Already, Bush is Not a Dog That Learns New Tricks! - April 24, 2006
Why the Busheviks May Believe They are Winning the Iraq War - April 24, 2006
Just Whose Back Is It Bush Has Got? - April 20, 2006
Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney Tell Americans: "Hell, No, We Won't Go! We Excel -- At Incompetence, Lying and Corruption. What More Do You Want From Us?" - April 19, 2006
Would Someone Explain to Rumsfeld the Difference Between a Bowel Movement and Utter Failure? - April 18, 2006
Okay, So Let's Get This Straight: On Monday, Bush Admitted That he Lied About Leaking a Lie to Smear Someone Who Revealed the Truth About His Lying - April 11, 2006
It's Official: We Have a Liar-in-Chief - April 7, 2006
Wouldn't Tom DeLay Make a Great Villain in a James Bond Film? Just Call Him "Bushfinger." - April 6, 2006
And Right Now, Tom Needs to Worry More About Staying Out of the Big House than Staying in the House of Representatives - April 4, 2006
Bush, Worse Than Watergate: John Dean Should Know - April 1, 2006
Why are You Now a Radical if You Stand up for the Constitution, the Rule of Law and Honesty? - March 26, 2006
In Case You Blinked, Alberto "Bush Consigliere" Gonzales Indicated that Bush's Illegal Wiretapping Maybe More Extensive Than Previously Revealed - March 7, 2006
CNN Finally Gets It: Bush's "So-Called War on Terror" - March 4, 2006
Connecting Dubai Ports World, the Carlyle Group, CSX, John Snow, and David Sanborn - February 28, 2006
Is our National Security Being Blackmailed? - February 28, 2006
Connecting Dubai Ports World, the Carlyle Group, CSX, John Snow, and David Sanborn - February 28, 2006
Just Your Average Week of the Bush Administration Betraying America - February 20, 2006
Communism, Peronism, Nazism, Francoism, Mussoliniism, Bushism: The "Isms" are All Dictatorships - February 15, 2006
In Case You Missed It Over the Weekend, Progressive Talk Show Hosts Pitch In To Support "Filibuster For The Filibuster" - January 30, 2006
BuzzFlash Has Heard a Rumor that Senator Barack Obama Has Been Opposing a Filibuster of Alito Inside the Democratic Caucus - January 27, 2006
Wag the Osama - January 21, 2006
Radical Extremists Succeed in Silent Coup, Subverting Democracy . . . What Nation are We Talking About? - January 13, 2006
Thank God our current Senate Democrats weren't at Lexington and Concord! - January 6, 2006
Of Tyrants, Kings, Alito and Bush - January 4, 2006
A Nation Under Siege by Liars and Law Breakers in the White House - January 2, 2006
2005 News Analysis Archives
The Pall of "Normalcy" Has Once Again Fallen Over the Radical, Rogue Regime - December 29, 2005
Bush Delivers Iraq on a Silver Platter Into the Epicenter of the Axis of Evil - December 27, 2005
Remember this and you will truly celebrate this holiday season as it should be celebrated -- a celebration of a life and love that does not live in the shadow of fear and darkness. - December 25, 2005
Suddenly, the "I" word -- impeachment -- is popping up all over and starting to appear credible to the pundits of conventional wisdom - December 24, 2005
Santa's Checking His Lists and Making Good Progress! - December 22, 2005
Dick Cheney has put it on the table as bluntly and thuggishly as a mobster setting down a crowbar - December 21, 2005
Bush in 2004: We're "Getting Court Orders" and "Value the Constitution." Did He Know He Was Lying? - December 20, 2005
Bush's Enemies List. Why Did Bush Commit an Illegal, Impachable Act When All His Lawyers Had to Do Was Walk Into a Secret Court? - December 20, 2005
Frankly, we don't give a damn if Bush was a little "more candid" in his script Sunday night. It's all written for him based on polls anyways. - December 19, 2005
Every Day Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are in Office, Our Lives and the Lives of Our Loved Ones are Increasingly at Risk - December 18, 2005
The Terrorists Don't Need to Destroy Democracy. Bush is Doing Their Work for Them. - December 17, 2005
Should Journalists be Like Hookers and Make You Happy? Neil Cavuto Apparently Thinks So. - December 12, 2005
'Jumping the Shark' Episode I: Mistakes Were Made - December 9, 2005
Bush's Jim Jones Kool-Aid Drinker Groupies and the Tale of a Funeral Service - December 5, 2005
Rumsfeld Redux - December 5, 2005
Will Babs Bush Once Again Pull Her Son's Butt Out of the Frying Pan by Having His Royal Court Advisors Exiled to the Neo-Con Gulag? Stay Tuned. - December 2, 2005
More 2005 News Analysis articles